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ZCC575A 数字温度传感器替代LM75
DescriptionThe ZCC575 is a digital-type high-accurate on-chip integrated temperature sensor chip with an integrated high resolution sigma-delta converter and I2C/SMBus digital interface. It is register and function compatible with industrial standard LM75 digital temperature sensor. ZCC575 is available in E-MSOP8 package, it offers hardware pin and firmware compatibility to easy upgrade from LM75xdesign.
Digital communication 2-wire interface which operates up to 400KHz of fast mode and 2.5MHz of high-speed mode. There are 3 hardware address pins, A0/A1/A2, which could configure the I2C address externally. The ZCC575 has a dedicated over-temperature shutdown output (OS) pin with programmable higher or lower limit in hysteresis. The OS pin could also be output polarity reverse by configure POL register bit setting in configuration register. There is a consecutive fault measurements function which could be programmed by 1/2/3/4counts. The OS pin will enabled if the temperature conversion data is over the pre-set limitation value continuously, and satisfies the FQ[1:0] resistersetting.
Features■ Temperatureaccuracy
‐ ±1℃ from -20℃~80℃
‐ ±2℃ from -40℃~125℃
■ Low powerconsumption
• 4.5uA shutdown current atVDD=5.0V
• 125uA continuous conversioncurrent
■ 2.2~8.0V ultra-wide operation supplyvoltage
■ High PSR in temperaturemonitoring
■ I2C &SMBus digital communicationinterface
■ LM75 function and registercompatible
■ 0.0625℃ temperatureresolution
■ Support up to 32 devices by A0/A1/A2 pin hardware configuration
■ OS pin open-drain alert and interrupt multi-function
■ OS output polarityconfiguration
■ Embedded one-shot conversionmode
■ Home appliance thermalcontrol
■ Server board temperaturemonitoring
■ Thermostatcontrol
■ Environmental temperaturemonitoring
■ Electronic equipment andfacilities
■ General system thermalmanagement